Wednesday 28 April 2010

Wound Management: Using Levine’s Conservation Model to Guide Practice

Wednesday 28 April 2010
Matthew J. Leach, BN(Hons), ND, PhD
Levine’s conservation model,1 initially constructed as a teaching framework for medical-surgical nursing,2 is based on the belief that nursing interventions should be aimed at conserving function.3,4 Roberts and Taylor5 and Fawcett4 state that nurses currently use Levine’s model in practice by acting to preserve client energy and integrity — encouraging bed rest, maintaining pressure area care, and preserving privacy. To clarify the relationship between Levine’s conservation model and wound management, each of the four principles of Levine’s model will be examined. To enhance understanding of the context in which Levine’s conservation principles are presented, the underlying assumptions, definitions, and limitations of the model are discussed.


Levine’s conservation model1 consists of four major principles. The principles are defined as follows:

  • conservation of energy — balancing energy output and input to avoid excessive fatigue4

  • conservation of structural integrity — maintaining or restoring the body structure by preventing physical breakdown and promoting healing5

  • conservation of personal integrity — maintaining or restoring the patient’s sense of identity and self-worth5 and…acknowledging uniqueness4

  • conservation of social integrity — fostering awareness that the patient…is a social being who interacts with others5 in their social environment. read more...


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